Whenever you create a new blog, you always want your blog to get
noticed by people easily. The best way people can find your blog is
through search engines like Google.
But you’ll have to make sure that Google indexed your blog that means
Google shows your blog on its search listing. Normally Google sends
Googlebot to crawl your blog and add it to Google Index. Sometimes it takes much time.
As a blog owner you will always want your blog to get indexed by
Google as soon as possible. In this post, I will show you how to do it
within 24 hours or less.
Before moving further, I would suggest you to check if your blog has
already been indexed or not. Just to go Google.com and type
site:yourdomain.com on search box. If there is no results, it means
Google hasn’t indexed your blog.
What is Google Crawling and Indexing?
Terms like crawling & indexing might seem new to you if you’ve just started blogging.
Crawling is the process where Googlebot (search bot software) visits
interlinked pages on the world wide web and collects information of
pages and sends them off to the Google Indexer.
Indexing is the processing of the information collected by Googlebot
through crawling. By this process Google adds your pages on search
So now the question is how Google bot can find your blog? Googlebot
discovers new blog through sitemap and links. That means if Googlebot
finds your blog links on any webpage, it will collect the information
and send it to the Google indexer.